FunctionSpaceReduce(R, F)ΒΆ

pfo.spad line 194 [edit on github]

This package provides function which replaces transcendental kernels in a function space by random integers. The correspondence between the kernels and the integers is fixed between calls to newReduc().

bringDown: (F, Kernel F) -> SparseUnivariatePolynomial Fraction Integer

bringDown(f, k) is like bringDown(f) but k is algebraic kernel and the result is reduced modulo minimal polynomial of k.

bringDown: F -> Fraction Integer

bringDown(f) replaces transcendental kernels in f by random integers. Error if f contains algebraic kernel.

newReduc: Integer -> Void

newReduc(n) empties reduction state. n is size of random integers to use during next reduction.