
view2D.spad line 1 [edit on github]

TwoDimensionalGraph creates virtual two dimensional graphs (to be displayed on TwoDimensionalViewports).

=: (%, %) -> Boolean

from BasicType

~=: (%, %) -> Boolean

from BasicType

appendPoint: (%, Point DoubleFloat) -> Void

appendPoint(gi, pt) appends the point pt to the end of the list of points component for the graph, gi, which is of the domain GraphImage.

coerce: % -> OutputForm

coerce(gi) returns the indicated graph, gi, of domain GraphImage as output of the domain OutputForm.

coerce: List List Point DoubleFloat -> %

coerce(llp) creates and returns a graph of the domain GraphImage which is composed of the list of list of points given by llp, and whose point colors, line colors and point sizes are determined by the default functions pointColorDefault, lineColorDefault, and pointSizeDefault. The graph data is then sent to the viewport manager where it waits to be included in a two-dimensional viewport window.

component: (%, List Point DoubleFloat, Palette, Palette, PositiveInteger) -> Void

component(gi, lp, pal1, pal2, p) sets the components of the graph, gi of the domain GraphImage, to the values given. The point list for gi is set to the list lp, the color of the points in lp is set to the palette color pal1, the color of the lines which connect the points lp is set to the palette color pal2, and the size of the points in lp is given by the integer p.

component: (%, Point DoubleFloat) -> Void

component(gi, pt) modifies the graph gi of the domain GraphImage to contain one point component, pt whose point color, line color and point size are determined by the default functions pointColorDefault, lineColorDefault, and pointSizeDefault.

component: (%, Point DoubleFloat, Palette, Palette, PositiveInteger) -> Void

component(gi, pt, pal1, pal2, ps) modifies the graph gi of the domain GraphImage to contain one point component, pt whose point color is set to the palette color pal1, line color is set to the palette color pal2, and point size is set to the positive integer ps.

graphImage: () -> %

graphImage() returns an empty graph with 0 point lists of the domain GraphImage. A graph image contains the graph data component of a two dimensional viewport.

key: % -> Integer

key(gi) returns the process ID of the given graph, gi, of the domain GraphImage.

latex: % -> String

from SetCategory

makeGraphImage: (List List Point DoubleFloat, List Palette, List Palette, List PositiveInteger) -> %

makeGraphImage(llp, lpal1, lpal2, lp) returns a graph of the domain GraphImage which is composed of the points and lines from the list of lists of points, llp, whose point colors are indicated by the list of palette colors, lpal1, and whose lines are colored according to the list of palette colors, lpal2. The parameter lp is a list of integers which denote the size of the data points.

makeGraphImage: (List List Point DoubleFloat, List Palette, List Palette, List PositiveInteger, List DrawOption) -> %

makeGraphImage(llp, lpal1, lpal2, lp, lopt) returns a graph of the domain GraphImage which is composed of the points and lines from the list of lists of points, llp, whose point colors are indicated by the list of palette colors, lpal1, and whose lines are colored according to the list of palette colors, lpal2. The parameter lp is a list of integers which denote the size of the data points, and lopt is the list of draw command options.

makeGraphImage: List List Point DoubleFloat -> %

makeGraphImage(llp) returns a graph of the domain GraphImage which is composed of the points and lines from the list of lists of points, llp, with default point size and default point and line colours.

point: (%, Point DoubleFloat, Palette) -> Void

point(gi, pt, pal) modifies the graph gi of the domain GraphImage to contain one point component, pt whose point color is set to be the palette color pal, and whose line color and point size are determined by the default functions lineColorDefault and pointSizeDefault.

pointLists: % -> List List Point DoubleFloat

pointLists(gi) returns the list of lists of points which compose the given graph, gi, of the domain GraphImage.

putColorInfo: (List List Point DoubleFloat, List Palette) -> List List Point DoubleFloat

putColorInfo(llp, lpal) takes a list of list of points, llp, and returns the points with their hue and shade components set according to the list of palette colors, lpal.

ranges: % -> List Segment Float

ranges(gi) returns the list of ranges of the point components from the indicated graph, gi, of the domain GraphImage.

ranges: (%, List Segment Float) -> List Segment Float

ranges(gi, lr) modifies the list of ranges for the given graph, gi of the domain GraphImage, to be that of the list of range segments, lr, and returns the new range list for gi.

sendGraphImage: % -> Void

sendGraphImage(gi) takes the given graph, gi of the domain GraphImage, and sends it's data to the viewport manager where it waits to be included in a two-dimensional viewport window. gi cannot be an empty graph.

units: % -> List Float

units(gi) returns the list of unit increments for the x and y axes of the indicated graph, gi, of the domain GraphImage.

units: (%, List Float) -> List Float

units(gi, lu) modifies the list of unit increments for the x and y axes of the given graph, gi of the domain GraphImage, to be that of the list of unit increments, lu, and returns the new list of units for gi.


CoercibleTo OutputForm
