GuessExpBin(F, S, EXPRR, retract, coerce)ΒΆ

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This package implements guessing GuessExpRat and GuessBinRat functions of guessing package.

guessBinRat: (List F, List GuessOption) -> List EXPRR

guessBinRat(l, options) tries to find a function of the form n+->binomial(a+b n, n) r(n), where r(n) is a rational function, that fits l.

guessBinRat: Symbol -> (List F, List GuessOption) -> List EXPRR if S has RetractableTo Symbol and F has RetractableTo Symbol

guessBinRat q returns a guesser that tries to find a function of the form n+->qbinomial(a+b n, n) r(n), where r(q^n) is a q-rational function, that fits l.

guessExpRat: (List F, List GuessOption) -> List EXPRR

guessExpRat(l, options) tries to find a function of the form n+->(a+b n)^n r(n), where r(n) is a rational function, that fits l.

guessExpRat: Symbol -> (List F, List GuessOption) -> List EXPRR if S has RetractableTo Symbol and F has RetractableTo Symbol

guessExpRat q returns a guesser that tries to find a function of the form n+->(a+b q^n)^n r(q^n), where r(q^n) is a q-rational function, that fits l.