IndexedAggregate(Index, Entry)ΒΆ

aggcat.spad line 826 [edit on github]

An indexed aggregate is a many-to-one mapping of indices to entries. For example, a one-dimensional-array is an indexed aggregate where the index is an integer. Also, a table is an indexed aggregate where the indices and entries may have any type.

#: % -> NonNegativeInteger if % has finiteAggregate

from Aggregate

=: (%, %) -> Boolean if Entry has SetCategory or Entry has BasicType and % has finiteAggregate

from BasicType

~=: (%, %) -> Boolean if Entry has SetCategory or Entry has BasicType and % has finiteAggregate

from BasicType

any?: (Entry -> Boolean, %) -> Boolean if % has finiteAggregate

from HomogeneousAggregate Entry

coerce: % -> OutputForm if Entry has CoercibleTo OutputForm

from CoercibleTo OutputForm

copy: % -> %

from Aggregate

count: (Entry -> Boolean, %) -> NonNegativeInteger if % has finiteAggregate

from HomogeneousAggregate Entry

count: (Entry, %) -> NonNegativeInteger if Entry has BasicType and % has finiteAggregate

from HomogeneousAggregate Entry

elt: (%, Index) -> Entry

from Eltable(Index, Entry)

elt: (%, Index, Entry) -> Entry

from EltableAggregate(Index, Entry)

empty?: % -> Boolean

from Aggregate

empty: () -> %

from Aggregate

entries: % -> List Entry

entries(u) returns a list of all the entries of aggregate u in no assumed order.

entry?: (Entry, %) -> Boolean if Entry has BasicType and % has finiteAggregate

entry?(x, u) tests if x equals u . i for some index i.

eq?: (%, %) -> Boolean

from Aggregate

eval: (%, Entry, Entry) -> % if Entry has Evalable Entry and Entry has SetCategory

from InnerEvalable(Entry, Entry)

eval: (%, Equation Entry) -> % if Entry has Evalable Entry and Entry has SetCategory

from Evalable Entry

eval: (%, List Entry, List Entry) -> % if Entry has Evalable Entry and Entry has SetCategory

from InnerEvalable(Entry, Entry)

eval: (%, List Equation Entry) -> % if Entry has Evalable Entry and Entry has SetCategory

from Evalable Entry

every?: (Entry -> Boolean, %) -> Boolean if % has finiteAggregate

from HomogeneousAggregate Entry

fill!: (%, Entry) -> % if % has shallowlyMutable

fill!(u, x) replaces each entry in aggregate u by x. The modified u is returned as value.

first: % -> Entry if Index has OrderedSet

first(u) returns the first element x of u. Note: for collections, first([x, y, ..., z]) = x. Error: if u is empty.

index?: (Index, %) -> Boolean

index?(i, u) tests if i is an index of aggregate u.

indices: % -> List Index

indices(u) returns a list of indices of aggregate u in no particular order.

latex: % -> String if Entry has SetCategory

from SetCategory

less?: (%, NonNegativeInteger) -> Boolean

from Aggregate

map!: (Entry -> Entry, %) -> % if % has shallowlyMutable

from HomogeneousAggregate Entry

map: (Entry -> Entry, %) -> %

from HomogeneousAggregate Entry

max: % -> Entry if Entry has OrderedSet and % has finiteAggregate

from HomogeneousAggregate Entry

max: ((Entry, Entry) -> Boolean, %) -> Entry if % has finiteAggregate

from HomogeneousAggregate Entry

maxIndex: % -> Index if Index has OrderedSet

maxIndex(u) returns the maximum index i of aggregate u. Note: in general, maxIndex(u) = reduce(max, indices u); for List, maxIndex(u) = \#u.

member?: (Entry, %) -> Boolean if Entry has BasicType and % has finiteAggregate

from HomogeneousAggregate Entry

members: % -> List Entry if % has finiteAggregate

from HomogeneousAggregate Entry

min: % -> Entry if Entry has OrderedSet and % has finiteAggregate

from HomogeneousAggregate Entry

minIndex: % -> Index if Index has OrderedSet

minIndex(u) returns the minimum index i of aggregate u. Note: in general, minIndex(a) = reduce(min, indices a); for List, minIndex(a) = 1.

more?: (%, NonNegativeInteger) -> Boolean

from Aggregate

parts: % -> List Entry if % has finiteAggregate

from HomogeneousAggregate Entry

qelt: (%, Index) -> Entry

from EltableAggregate(Index, Entry)

qsetelt!: (%, Index, Entry) -> Entry if % has shallowlyMutable

from EltableAggregate(Index, Entry)

sample: %

from Aggregate

setelt!: (%, Index, Entry) -> Entry if % has shallowlyMutable

from EltableAggregate(Index, Entry)

size?: (%, NonNegativeInteger) -> Boolean

from Aggregate

swap!: (%, Index, Index) -> Void if % has shallowlyMutable

swap!(u, i, j) interchanges elements i and j of aggregate u. No meaningful value is returned.


BasicType if Entry has BasicType and % has finiteAggregate or Entry has SetCategory

CoercibleTo OutputForm if Entry has CoercibleTo OutputForm

Eltable(Index, Entry)

EltableAggregate(Index, Entry)

Evalable Entry if Entry has Evalable Entry and Entry has SetCategory

HomogeneousAggregate Entry

InnerEvalable(Entry, Entry) if Entry has Evalable Entry and Entry has SetCategory

SetCategory if Entry has SetCategory