IndexedProductCategory(A, S)ΒΆ

indexedp.spad line 12 [edit on github]

This category represents the product of some set with respect to an indexing set. The set S is considered as the basis elements\ ``'' and the elements from A as coefficients\ ``''. Elements may have infinite support. For Comparable (ordered) S we assume that support of each element is well-orderd.

0: % if A has AbelianMonoid

from AbelianMonoid

*: (Integer, %) -> % if A has AbelianGroup

from AbelianGroup

*: (NonNegativeInteger, %) -> % if A has AbelianMonoid

from AbelianMonoid

*: (PositiveInteger, %) -> % if A has AbelianMonoid

from AbelianSemiGroup

+: (%, %) -> % if A has AbelianMonoid

from AbelianSemiGroup

-: % -> % if A has AbelianGroup

from AbelianGroup

-: (%, %) -> % if A has AbelianGroup

from AbelianGroup

=: (%, %) -> Boolean if A has AbelianMonoid

from BasicType

~=: (%, %) -> Boolean if A has AbelianMonoid

from BasicType

coerce: % -> OutputForm if A has AbelianMonoid

from CoercibleTo OutputForm

construct: List Record(k: S, c: A) -> %

construct(l) takes a list of terms and creates the object with these components. First components of elements of l should be different.

constructOrdered: List Record(k: S, c: A) -> % if S has Comparable

constructOrdered(l) takes a list of terms and creates the object with these components. The list is assumed to be sorted (in reverse order) with respect to the ordering of S. If R is a monoid, then the list is assumed to contain no zero elements. Caution: No checking is performed, so this should only be used in cases where those conditions are assured. If in doubt use construct.

latex: % -> String if A has AbelianMonoid

from SetCategory

leadingCoefficient: % -> A if S has Comparable

leadingCoefficient(z) returns the coefficient of the leading (with respect to the ordering on the indexing set) monomial of z. Error: if z has no support.

leadingMonomial: % -> % if S has Comparable

leadingMonomial(x) returns the monomial supported by the first element from S. Error: if x has no support.

leadingSupport: % -> S if S has Comparable

leadingSupport(z) returns the index of leading (with respect to the ordering on the indexing set) monomial of z. Error: if z has no support.

leadingTerm: % -> Record(k: S, c: A) if S has Comparable

leadingTerm(x) returns the leading (with respect to the ordering on the indexing set) term of z. Error: if z has no support.

map: (A -> A, %) -> %

map(f, z) returns the new element created by applying the function f to each component of the direct product element z.

monomial?: % -> Boolean

monomial?(x) returns true if x is a single monomial, that is support of x consists of a single element.

monomial: (A, S) -> %

monomial(a, s) constructs a direct product element with the s component set to a

opposite?: (%, %) -> Boolean if A has AbelianMonoid

from AbelianMonoid

reductum: % -> % if S has Comparable

reductum(z) returns a new element created by removing the leading coefficient/support pair from the element z. Error: if z has no support.

sample: % if A has AbelianMonoid

from AbelianMonoid

subtractIfCan: (%, %) -> Union(%, failed) if A has CancellationAbelianMonoid

from CancellationAbelianMonoid

zero?: % -> Boolean if A has AbelianMonoid

from AbelianMonoid

AbelianGroup if A has AbelianGroup

AbelianMonoid if A has AbelianMonoid

AbelianProductCategory A

AbelianSemiGroup if A has AbelianMonoid

BasicType if A has AbelianMonoid

CancellationAbelianMonoid if A has CancellationAbelianMonoid

CoercibleTo OutputForm if A has AbelianMonoid

SetCategory if A has AbelianMonoid