jobject.spad line 1395 [edit on github]
DataFrames support
- coerce: % -> JLObject
from JLObjectType
- coerce: % -> OutputForm
from CoercibleTo OutputForm
- convert: % -> String
from ConvertibleTo String
- elt: (%, Integer) -> JLObject
from JLObjectAggregate
- elt: (%, JLSymbol) -> JLObject
from JLObjectAggregate
- jdframe: (JLFloat64Matrix, List JLSymbol) -> %
jdframe(a, ls)
returns a data frame from data a and column namesls
- jdframe: JLFloat64Matrix -> %
returns an automatically created data frame.
- jlAbout: % -> Void
from JLObjectType
- jlApply: (String, %) -> %
from JLObjectType
- jlApply: (String, %, %) -> %
from JLObjectType
- jlApply: (String, %, %, %) -> %
from JLObjectType
- jlApply: (String, %, %, %, %) -> %
from JLObjectType
- jlApply: (String, %, %, %, %, %) -> %
from JLObjectType
- jlDescribe: % -> %
returns basic statistics aboutdf
- jlDisplay: % -> Void
from JLObjectType
- jlId: % -> JLInt64
from JLObjectType
- jlObject: () -> String
from JLObjectType
- jlRef: % -> SExpression
from JLObjectType
- jlref: String -> %
from JLObjectType
- jlType: % -> String
from JLObjectType
- latex: % -> String
from SetCategory
- less?: (%, NonNegativeInteger) -> Boolean
from Aggregate
- matrix: % -> JLObject
returns a copy of the internal DataFrame matrix.
- more?: (%, NonNegativeInteger) -> Boolean
from Aggregate
- mutable?: % -> Boolean
from JLObjectType
- nothing?: % -> Boolean
from JLObjectType
- qelt: (%, Integer) -> JLObject
from JLObjectAggregate
- qelt: (%, JLSymbol) -> JLObject
from JLObjectAggregate
- size?: (%, NonNegativeInteger) -> Boolean
from Aggregate
- string: % -> String
from JLObjectType