jws.spad line 1 [edit on github]
Wolfram Symbolic Object category using the Wolfram Symbol Transport Protocol.
- coerce: % -> JLObject
from JLObjectType
- coerce: % -> OutputForm
from CoercibleTo OutputForm
- convert: % -> String
from ConvertibleTo String
- jlAbout: % -> Void
from JLObjectType
- jlApply: (String, %) -> %
from JLObjectType
- jlApply: (String, %, %) -> %
from JLObjectType
- jlApply: (String, %, %, %) -> %
from JLObjectType
- jlApply: (String, %, %, %, %) -> %
from JLObjectType
- jlApply: (String, %, %, %, %, %) -> %
from JLObjectType
- jlDisplay: % -> Void
from JLObjectType
- jlEval: % -> %
using the Wolfram Symbolic Transport Protocol.
- jlHead: % -> JLWSSymbol
returns the Head type ofexpr
- jlId: % -> JLInt64
from JLObjectType
- jlNumeric: % -> %
returns numericalexpr
- jlNumeric: (%, PositiveInteger) -> %
jlNumeric(expr, prec)
returns numericalexpr
with digits precision prec.
- jlObject: () -> String
from JLObjectType
- jlRef: % -> SExpression
from JLObjectType
- jlref: String -> %
from JLObjectType
- jlSymbolic: % -> String
jlSymbolix(expr) returns the symbolic ‘FullForm’
- jlType: % -> String
from JLObjectType
- jWSInterpret: (String, String) -> %
jWSInterpret(Type, Expr)
interprets Expr to be of typeType
using the Wolfram Symbolic Language. For example: example{jWSInterpret(“Number”,”3.2”)@JWSREAL} example{jWSInterpret(“Real”,”3.2”)@JWSREAL}
- latex: % -> String
from SetCategory
- mutable?: % -> Boolean
from JLObjectType
- nothing?: % -> Boolean
from JLObjectType
- string: % -> String
from JLObjectType
- toString: % -> String
returns its string representation.