NormalizationPackage(R, E, V, P, TS)ΒΆ

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A package for computing normalized associates of univariate polynomials with coefficients in a tower of simple extensions of a field.

normalize: (P, TS) -> List Record(val: P, tower: TS)

normalize(p, ts) normalizes p w.r.t ts.

normalizedAssociate: (P, TS) -> P

normalizedAssociate(p, ts) returns a normalized polynomial n w.r.t. ts such that n and p are associates w.r.t ts and assuming that p is invertible w.r.t ts.

normInvertible?: (P, TS) -> List Record(val: Boolean, tower: TS)

normInvertible?(p, ts) is an internal subroutine, exported only for development.

outputArgs: (String, String, P, TS) -> Void

outputArgs(s1, s2, p, ts) is an internal subroutine, exported only for development.

recip: (P, TS) -> Record(num: P, den: P)

recip(p, ts) returns the inverse of p w.r.t ts assuming that p is invertible w.r.t ts.