RegularTriangularSetGcdPackage(R, E, V, P, TS)ΒΆ

regset.spad line 717 [edit on github]

An internal package for computing gcds and resultants of univariate polynomials with coefficients in a tower of simple extensions of a field.

integralLastSubResultant: (P, P, TS) -> List Record(val: P, tower: TS)

integralLastSubResultant(p1, p2, ts) is an internal subroutine, exported only for development.

internalLastSubResultant: (List Record(val: List P, tower: TS), V, Boolean) -> List Record(val: P, tower: TS)

internalLastSubResultant(lpwt, v, flag) is an internal subroutine, exported only for development.

internalLastSubResultant: (P, P, TS, Boolean, Boolean) -> List Record(val: P, tower: TS)

internalLastSubResultant(p1, p2, ts, inv?, break?) is an internal subroutine, exported only for development.

prepareSubResAlgo: (P, P, TS) -> List Record(val: List P, tower: TS)

prepareSubResAlgo(p1, p2, ts) is an internal subroutine, exported only for development.

startTableGcd!: (String, String, String) -> Void

startTableGcd!(s1, s2, s3) is an internal subroutine, exported only for development.

startTableInvSet!: (String, String, String) -> Void

startTableInvSet!(s1, s2, s3) is an internal subroutine, exported only for development.

stopTableGcd!: () -> Void

stopTableGcd!() is an internal subroutine, exported only for development.

stopTableInvSet!: () -> Void

stopTableInvSet!() is an internal subroutine, exported only for development.

toseInvertible?: (P, TS) -> Boolean

toseInvertible?(p1, p2, ts) has the same specifications as invertible?.

toseInvertible?: (P, TS) -> List Record(val: Boolean, tower: TS)

toseInvertible?(p1, p2, ts) has the same specifications as invertible?.

toseInvertibleSet: (P, TS) -> List TS

toseInvertibleSet(p1, p2, ts) has the same specifications as invertibleSet.

toseLastSubResultant: (P, P, TS) -> List Record(val: P, tower: TS)

toseLastSubResultant(p1, p2, ts) has the same specifications as lastSubResultant.

toseSquareFreePart: (P, TS) -> List Record(val: P, tower: TS)

toseSquareFreePart(p, ts) has the same specifications as squareFreePart.