SimplicialComplexFactory VSΒΆ
alg_top.spad line 3439 [edit on github]
VS: AbelianGroup
Provides functions to construct various simplicial complexes.
- band: () -> FiniteSimplicialComplex VS
Generate a minimal triangulation of the surface of a cylinder without ends
- dunceHat: () -> FiniteSimplicialComplex VS
Generate a minimal triangulation of dunce hat.
- kleinBottle: () -> FiniteSimplicialComplex VS
generate a minimal triangulation of the surface of a Klein bottle.
- line: () -> FiniteSimplicialComplex VS
create a simplicial complex containing a line.
- moebiusBand: () -> FiniteSimplicialComplex VS
Generate a minimal triangulation of the surface of a Moebius band. A one sided surface with a single external boundary line.
- projectiveSpace: Integer -> FiniteSimplicialComplex VS
Generate a minimal triangulation of the surface of a projective plane. A one sided surface which cannot be embedded in 3D space without intersecting itself. There are no external boundaries, every edge connects two faces. (A punctured projective plane is equivalent to a Moebius band)
- sphereSolid: NonNegativeInteger -> FiniteSimplicialComplex VS
Generate a simplicial complex equivalent to a solid hyper-sphere. That is, a solid volume with no holes in it, so we use a single
-dimensional simplex.
- sphereSurface: NonNegativeInteger -> FiniteSimplicialComplex VS
Generate a simplicial complex equivalent to the surface of a hyper-sphere. That is, the surface of a volume with no holes in it, so we use a minimal triangulation of the faces of a single simplex.
- torusSurface: () -> FiniteSimplicialComplex VS
generate a minimal triangulation of the surface of a 3-dimensional torus.