
viewDef.spad line 1 [edit on github]

ViewportDefaultsPackage describes default and user definable values for graphics

axesColorDefault: () -> Palette

axesColorDefault() returns the default color of the axes in a 2D viewport.

axesColorDefault: Palette -> Palette

axesColorDefault(p) sets the default color of the axes in a 2D viewport to the palette p.

lineColorDefault: () -> Palette

lineColorDefault() returns the default color of lines connecting points in a 2D viewport.

lineColorDefault: Palette -> Palette

lineColorDefault(p) sets the default color of lines connecting points in a 2D viewport to the palette p.

pointColorDefault: () -> Palette

pointColorDefault() returns the default color of points in a 2D viewport.

pointColorDefault: Palette -> Palette

pointColorDefault(p) sets the default color of points in a 2D viewport to the palette p.

pointSizeDefault: () -> PositiveInteger

pointSizeDefault() returns the default size of the points in a 2D viewport.

pointSizeDefault: PositiveInteger -> PositiveInteger

pointSizeDefault(i) sets the default size of the points in a 2D viewport to i.

tubePointsDefault: () -> PositiveInteger

tubePointsDefault() returns the number of points to be used when creating the circle to be used in creating a 3D tube plot.

tubePointsDefault: PositiveInteger -> PositiveInteger

tubePointsDefault(i) sets the number of points to use when creating the circle to be used in creating a 3D tube plot to i.

tubeRadiusDefault: () -> DoubleFloat

tubeRadiusDefault() returns the radius used for a 3D tube plot.

tubeRadiusDefault: Float -> DoubleFloat

tubeRadiusDefault(r) sets the default radius for a 3D tube plot to r.

unitsColorDefault: () -> Palette

unitsColorDefault() returns the default color of the unit ticks in a 2D viewport.

unitsColorDefault: Palette -> Palette

unitsColorDefault(p) sets the default color of the unit ticks in a 2D viewport to the palette p.

var1StepsDefault: () -> PositiveInteger

var1StepsDefault() is the current setting for the number of steps to take when creating a 3D mesh in the direction of the first defined free variable (a free variable is considered defined when its range is specified (e.g. x=0..10)).

var1StepsDefault: PositiveInteger -> PositiveInteger

var1StepsDefault(i) sets the number of steps to take when creating a 3D mesh in the direction of the first defined free variable to i (a free variable is considered defined when its range is specified (e.g. x=0..10)).

var2StepsDefault: () -> PositiveInteger

var2StepsDefault() is the current setting for the number of steps to take when creating a 3D mesh in the direction of the first defined free variable (a free variable is considered defined when its range is specified (e.g. x=0..10)).

var2StepsDefault: PositiveInteger -> PositiveInteger

var2StepsDefault(i) sets the number of steps to take when creating a 3D mesh in the direction of the first defined free variable to i (a free variable is considered defined when its range is specified (e.g. x=0..10)).

viewDefaults: () -> Void

viewDefaults() resets all the default graphics settings.

viewPosDefault: () -> List NonNegativeInteger

viewPosDefault() returns the default X and Y position of a viewport window unless overridden explicitly, newly created viewports will have this X and Y coordinate.

viewPosDefault: List NonNegativeInteger -> List NonNegativeInteger

viewPosDefault([x, y]) sets the default X and Y position of a viewport window unless overridden explicitly, newly created viewports will have th X and Y coordinates x, y.

viewSizeDefault: () -> List PositiveInteger

viewSizeDefault() returns the default viewport width and height.

viewSizeDefault: List PositiveInteger -> List PositiveInteger

viewSizeDefault([w, h]) sets the default viewport width to w and height to h.

viewWriteAvailable: () -> List String

viewWriteAvailable() returns a list of available methods for writing, such as BITMAP, POSTSCRIPT, etc.

viewWriteDefault: () -> List String

viewWriteDefault() returns the list of things to write in a viewport data file; a viewAlone file is always generated.

viewWriteDefault: List String -> List String

viewWriteDefault(l) sets the default list of things to write in a viewport data file to the strings in l; a viewAlone file is always generated.