InnerNumericFloatSolvePackage(K, F, Par)ΒΆ

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This is an internal package for computing approximate solutions to systems of polynomial equations. The parameter K specifies the coefficient field of the input polynomials and must be either Fraction(Integer) or Complex(Fraction Integer). The parameter F specifies where the solutions must lie and can be one of the following: Float, Fraction(Integer), Complex(Float), Complex(Fraction Integer). The last parameter specifies the type of the precision operand and must be either Fraction(Integer) or Float.

innerSolve1: (Polynomial K, Par) -> List F

innerSolve1(p, eps) returns the list of the zeros of the polynomial p with precision eps.

innerSolve1: (SparseUnivariatePolynomial K, Par) -> List F

innerSolve1(up, eps) returns the list of the zeros of the univariate polynomial up with precision eps.

innerSolve: (List Polynomial K, List Polynomial K, List Symbol, Par) -> List List F

innerSolve(lnum, lden, lvar, eps) returns a list of solutions of the system of polynomials lnum, with the side condition that none of the members of lden vanish identically on any solution. Each solution is expressed as a list corresponding to the list of variables in lvar and with precision specified by eps.

makeEq: (List F, List Symbol) -> List Equation Polynomial F

makeEq(lsol, lvar) returns a list of equations formed by corresponding members of lvar and lsol.