jarray64.spad line 707 [edit on github]
This domain provides a fast JLComplexF64
matrix type with no bound checking on elt's
. Minimum index is 1.
- #: % -> NonNegativeInteger
from Aggregate
- *: (%, %) -> %
from MatrixCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- *: (%, JLComplexF64) -> %
from MatrixCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- *: (%, JLComplexF64Vector) -> JLComplexF64Vector
from MatrixCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- *: (Integer, %) -> %
from MatrixCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- *: (JLComplexF64, %) -> %
from MatrixCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- *: (JLComplexF64Vector, %) -> JLComplexF64Vector
from MatrixCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- +: (%, %) -> %
from MatrixCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- -: % -> %
from MatrixCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- -: (%, %) -> %
from MatrixCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- /: (%, JLComplexF64) -> %
from MatrixCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- ^: (%, Integer) -> %
from MatrixCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- ^: (%, NonNegativeInteger) -> %
from MatrixCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- adjoint!: (%, %) -> %
adjoint!(a, m)
stores in a the adjoint ofm
i.e. the conjugate transposition ofm
- adjoint: % -> %
returns the adjoint ofm
i.e. the conjugate transposition ofm
- antisymmetric?: % -> Boolean
from MatrixCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- any?: (JLComplexF64 -> Boolean, %) -> Boolean
- array2: List List JLComplexF64 -> %
from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- blockConcat: List List % -> %
from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- blockSplit: (%, List NonNegativeInteger, List NonNegativeInteger) -> List List %
from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- blockSplit: (%, PositiveInteger, PositiveInteger) -> List List %
from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- coerce: % -> OutputForm
from CoercibleTo OutputForm
- coerce: JLComplexF64Vector -> %
from MatrixCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- coerce: JLFloat64Matrix -> %
to a aJL
Complex Float 64 matrix.
- colSlice: % -> Segment Integer
from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- column: (%, Integer) -> JLComplexF64Vector
from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- columnSpace: % -> List JLComplexF64Vector
from MatrixCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- convert: % -> String
from ConvertibleTo String
- copy!: (%, %) -> %
copies efficiently a tob
. No check are done on arrays dimensions.
- count: (JLComplexF64 -> Boolean, %) -> NonNegativeInteger
- count: (JLComplexF64, %) -> NonNegativeInteger
- determinant: % -> JLComplexF64
from MatrixCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- diagonalMatrix: JLComplexF64Vector -> %
returns a diagonal matrix with elements ofv
.- diagonalMatrix: List % -> %
from MatrixCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- diagonalMatrix: List JLComplexF64 -> %
from MatrixCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- elt: (%, Integer, Integer) -> JLComplexF64
from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- elt: (%, Integer, Integer, JLComplexF64) -> JLComplexF64
from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- elt: (%, Integer, List Integer) -> %
from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- elt: (%, Integer, List Segment Integer) -> %
from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- elt: (%, List Integer, Integer) -> %
from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- elt: (%, List Integer, List Integer) -> %
from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- elt: (%, List Integer, Segment Integer) -> %
from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- elt: (%, List Segment Integer, Integer) -> %
from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- elt: (%, List Segment Integer, List Segment Integer) -> %
from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- elt: (%, List Segment Integer, Segment Integer) -> %
from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- elt: (%, Segment Integer, List Integer) -> %
from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- elt: (%, Segment Integer, List Segment Integer) -> %
from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- elt: (%, Segment Integer, Segment Integer) -> %
from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- eval: (%, Equation JLComplexF64) -> % if JLComplexF64 has Evalable JLComplexF64
from Evalable JLComplexF64
- eval: (%, JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64) -> % if JLComplexF64 has Evalable JLComplexF64
- eval: (%, List Equation JLComplexF64) -> % if JLComplexF64 has Evalable JLComplexF64
from Evalable JLComplexF64
- eval: (%, List JLComplexF64, List JLComplexF64) -> % if JLComplexF64 has Evalable JLComplexF64
- every?: (JLComplexF64 -> Boolean, %) -> Boolean
- exquo: (%, JLComplexF64) -> Union(%, failed)
from MatrixCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- fill!: (%, JLComplexF64) -> %
from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- hash: % -> SingleInteger if JLComplexF64 has Hashable
from Hashable
- hashUpdate!: (HashState, %) -> HashState if JLComplexF64 has Hashable
from Hashable
- hermitian?: % -> Boolean
tests hermiticity ofm
- hermitianPart!: % -> %
with the symmetric part ofm
to save memory space and returnsm
- hermitianPart: % -> %
returns the symmetric part ofm
- horizConcat: (%, %) -> %
from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- horizConcat: List % -> %
from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- horizSplit: (%, List NonNegativeInteger) -> List %
from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- horizSplit: (%, PositiveInteger) -> List %
from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- imag: % -> JLFloat64Matrix
returns aJLFloat64
matrix with the imaginary part of them
- inverse: % -> Union(%, failed)
from MatrixCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- jlApply: (String, %, JLFloat64) -> JLFloat64
jlApply(func, x, val)
to argumentsx
and val.
- jlApprox?: (%, %) -> Boolean
computes inexact equality comparison with default parameters. Two numbers compare equal if their relative distance or their absolute distance is within tolerance bounds. Applied component-wise.
- jlDisplay: % -> Void
pretty printsm
- jlVector: % -> JLComplexF64Vector
returns reference to the internal vector representation.
- juliaCMPrint: Boolean -> Boolean
) defines whether or not FriCAS uses the printing version ofJL
for matrices instead of its OutputForm version. Returns previous value. By default it is theJL
- kronecker_prod1: (%, Integer, List List NonNegativeInteger, List %, NonNegativeInteger, NonNegativeInteger, Union(JLComplexF64, one)) -> Void
from MatrixCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- kroneckerProduct: (%, %) -> %
from MatrixCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- kroneckerProduct: List % -> %
from MatrixCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- kroneckerSum: (%, %) -> %
from MatrixCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- kroneckerSum: List % -> %
from MatrixCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- latex: % -> String
from SetCategory
- less?: (%, NonNegativeInteger) -> Boolean
from Aggregate
- listOfLists: % -> List List JLComplexF64
from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- map!: (JLComplexF64 -> JLComplexF64, %) -> %
from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- map: ((JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64) -> JLComplexF64, %, %) -> %
from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- map: ((JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64) -> JLComplexF64, %, %, JLComplexF64) -> %
from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- map: (JLComplexF64 -> JLComplexF64, %) -> %
from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- matrix: (NonNegativeInteger, NonNegativeInteger, (Integer, Integer) -> JLComplexF64) -> %
from MatrixCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- matrix: List List JLComplexF64 -> %
from MatrixCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- max: % -> JLComplexF64 if JLComplexF64 has OrderedSet
- max: ((JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64) -> Boolean, %) -> JLComplexF64
- maxColIndex: % -> Integer
from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- maxRowIndex: % -> Integer
from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- member?: (JLComplexF64, %) -> Boolean
- members: % -> List JLComplexF64
- min: % -> JLComplexF64 if JLComplexF64 has OrderedSet
- minColIndex: % -> Integer
from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- minordet: % -> JLComplexF64
from MatrixCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- minRowIndex: % -> Integer
from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- more?: (%, NonNegativeInteger) -> Boolean
from Aggregate
- ncols: % -> NonNegativeInteger
from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- new: (NonNegativeInteger, NonNegativeInteger, JLComplexF64) -> %
from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- nrand: (NonNegativeInteger, NonNegativeInteger) -> %
returns a normally distributedJL
matrix of size (m
). SeeJL
documentation (randn) for this complex version used here.
- nrows: % -> NonNegativeInteger
from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- nullity: % -> NonNegativeInteger
from MatrixCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- nullSpace: % -> List JLComplexF64Vector
from MatrixCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- parts: % -> List JLComplexF64
from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- Pfaffian: % -> JLComplexF64
from MatrixCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- positiveDefinite?: % -> Boolean
tests wether or notm
is Hermitian positive definite using a Cholesky factorisation.
- positivePower: (%, Integer) -> %
from MatrixCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- qelt: (%, Integer, Integer) -> JLComplexF64
from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- qnew: (NonNegativeInteger, NonNegativeInteger) -> %
from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- qsetelt!: (%, Integer, Integer, JLComplexF64) -> JLComplexF64
from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- rank: % -> NonNegativeInteger
from MatrixCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- real: % -> JLFloat64Matrix
returns aJLFloat64
matrix with the real part of them
- row: (%, Integer) -> JLComplexF64Vector
from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- rowEchelon: % -> %
from MatrixCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- rowSlice: % -> Segment Integer
from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- scalarMatrix: (NonNegativeInteger, JLComplexF64) -> %
from MatrixCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- setColumn!: (%, Integer, JLComplexF64Vector) -> %
from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- setelt!: (%, Integer, Integer, JLComplexF64) -> JLComplexF64
from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- setelt!: (%, Integer, List Integer, %) -> %
from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- setelt!: (%, Integer, List Segment Integer, %) -> %
from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- setelt!: (%, List Integer, Integer, %) -> %
from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- setelt!: (%, List Integer, List Integer, %) -> %
from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- setelt!: (%, List Integer, Segment Integer, %) -> %
from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- setelt!: (%, List Segment Integer, Integer, %) -> %
from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- setelt!: (%, List Segment Integer, List Segment Integer, %) -> %
from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- setelt!: (%, List Segment Integer, Segment Integer, %) -> %
from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- setelt!: (%, Segment Integer, List Integer, %) -> %
from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- setelt!: (%, Segment Integer, List Segment Integer, %) -> %
from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- setelt!: (%, Segment Integer, Segment Integer, %) -> %
from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- setRow!: (%, Integer, JLComplexF64Vector) -> %
from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- setsubMatrix!: (%, Integer, Integer, %) -> %
from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- size?: (%, NonNegativeInteger) -> Boolean
from Aggregate
- smaller?: (%, %) -> Boolean
from Comparable
- squareTop: % -> %
from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- subMatrix: (%, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer) -> %
from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- swapColumns!: (%, Integer, Integer) -> %
from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- swapRows!: (%, Integer, Integer) -> %
from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- transpose!: (%, %) -> %
transpose!(b, a)
stores transposed a inb
- transpose: % -> %
from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- transpose: JLComplexF64Vector -> %
from MatrixCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- urand01: (NonNegativeInteger, NonNegativeInteger) -> %
returns a uniform(0$NNI..1)JL
matrix of size (m
- vertConcat: (%, %) -> %
from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- vertConcat: List % -> %
from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- vertSplit: (%, List NonNegativeInteger) -> List %
from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- vertSplit: (%, PositiveInteger) -> List %
from TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
- zero: (NonNegativeInteger, NonNegativeInteger) -> %
from MatrixCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
Evalable JLComplexF64 if JLComplexF64 has Evalable JLComplexF64
Hashable if JLComplexF64 has Hashable
HomogeneousAggregate JLComplexF64
InnerEvalable(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64) if JLComplexF64 has Evalable JLComplexF64
JLMatrixCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
MatrixCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)
TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64Vector, JLComplexF64Vector)