
jarray64.spad line 574 [edit on github]

This domain provides a fast JLComplexF64 vector type with no bound checking on elt's. Minimum index is 1.

#: % -> NonNegativeInteger

from Aggregate

*: (%, JLComplexF64) -> %

from VectorCategory JLComplexF64

*: (Integer, %) -> %

from VectorCategory JLComplexF64

*: (JLComplexF64, %) -> %

from VectorCategory JLComplexF64

+: (%, %) -> %

from VectorCategory JLComplexF64

-: % -> %

from VectorCategory JLComplexF64

-: (%, %) -> %

from VectorCategory JLComplexF64

<=: (%, %) -> Boolean if JLComplexF64 has OrderedSet

from PartialOrder

<: (%, %) -> Boolean if JLComplexF64 has OrderedSet

from PartialOrder

=: (%, %) -> Boolean

from BasicType

>=: (%, %) -> Boolean if JLComplexF64 has OrderedSet

from PartialOrder

>: (%, %) -> Boolean if JLComplexF64 has OrderedSet

from PartialOrder

~=: (%, %) -> Boolean

from BasicType

any?: (JLComplexF64 -> Boolean, %) -> Boolean

from HomogeneousAggregate JLComplexF64

coerce: % -> OutputForm

from CoercibleTo OutputForm

concat: (%, %) -> %

from LinearAggregate JLComplexF64

concat: (%, JLComplexF64) -> %

from LinearAggregate JLComplexF64

concat: (JLComplexF64, %) -> %

from LinearAggregate JLComplexF64

concat: List % -> %

from LinearAggregate JLComplexF64

construct: List JLComplexF64 -> %

from Collection JLComplexF64

convert: % -> InputForm

from ConvertibleTo InputForm

copy!: (%, %) -> %

copy!(b,a) copies efficiently a to b. No check are done on arrays dimension.

copy: % -> %

from Aggregate

copyInto!: (%, %, Integer) -> %

from LinearAggregate JLComplexF64

count: (JLComplexF64 -> Boolean, %) -> NonNegativeInteger

from HomogeneousAggregate JLComplexF64

count: (JLComplexF64, %) -> NonNegativeInteger

from HomogeneousAggregate JLComplexF64

cross: (%, %) -> %

from VectorCategory JLComplexF64

delete: (%, Integer) -> %

from LinearAggregate JLComplexF64

delete: (%, UniversalSegment Integer) -> %

from LinearAggregate JLComplexF64

dot: (%, %) -> JLComplexF64

from VectorCategory JLComplexF64

elt: (%, Integer) -> JLComplexF64

from Eltable(Integer, JLComplexF64)

elt: (%, Integer, JLComplexF64) -> JLComplexF64

from EltableAggregate(Integer, JLComplexF64)

elt: (%, UniversalSegment Integer) -> %

from Eltable(UniversalSegment Integer, %)

empty?: % -> Boolean

from Aggregate

empty: () -> %

from Aggregate

entries: % -> List JLComplexF64

from IndexedAggregate(Integer, JLComplexF64)

entry?: (JLComplexF64, %) -> Boolean

from IndexedAggregate(Integer, JLComplexF64)

eq?: (%, %) -> Boolean

from Aggregate

eval: (%, Equation JLComplexF64) -> % if JLComplexF64 has Evalable JLComplexF64

from Evalable JLComplexF64

eval: (%, JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64) -> % if JLComplexF64 has Evalable JLComplexF64

from InnerEvalable(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64)

eval: (%, List Equation JLComplexF64) -> % if JLComplexF64 has Evalable JLComplexF64

from Evalable JLComplexF64

eval: (%, List JLComplexF64, List JLComplexF64) -> % if JLComplexF64 has Evalable JLComplexF64

from InnerEvalable(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64)

every?: (JLComplexF64 -> Boolean, %) -> Boolean

from HomogeneousAggregate JLComplexF64

fill!: (%, JLComplexF64) -> %

from IndexedAggregate(Integer, JLComplexF64)

find: (JLComplexF64 -> Boolean, %) -> Union(JLComplexF64, failed)

from Collection JLComplexF64

first: % -> JLComplexF64

from IndexedAggregate(Integer, JLComplexF64)

first: (%, NonNegativeInteger) -> %

from LinearAggregate JLComplexF64

hash: % -> SingleInteger if JLComplexF64 has Hashable

from Hashable

hashUpdate!: (HashState, %) -> HashState if JLComplexF64 has Hashable

from Hashable

imag: % -> JLFloat64Vector

imag(v) returns a JLFloat64 vector with the imaginary part of the v elements.

index?: (Integer, %) -> Boolean

from IndexedAggregate(Integer, JLComplexF64)

indices: % -> List Integer

from IndexedAggregate(Integer, JLComplexF64)

insert: (%, %, Integer) -> %

from LinearAggregate JLComplexF64

insert: (JLComplexF64, %, Integer) -> %

from LinearAggregate JLComplexF64

jlApply: (String, %) -> JLFloat64

jlApply(func, x) apply func to argument x.

jlApply: (String, %) -> Void

jlApply(func, x) apply func to argument x.

jlApply: (String, %, JLFloat64) -> JLFloat64

jlApply(func, x, val) apply func to arguments x and val.

jlApprox?: (%, %) -> Boolean

jlApprox?(x,y) computes inexact equality comparison with default parameters.Two numbers compare equal if their relative distance or their absolute distance is within tolerance bounds. Applied component-wise.

jlDisplay: % -> Void

jldisplay(v) pretty prints v (à la JL).

juliaCVPrint: Boolean -> Boolean

juliaCVPrint(b) defines whether or not FriCAS uses the printing version of JL for matrices instead of its OutputForm version. Returns previous value. By default it is the JL version.

latex: % -> String

from SetCategory

leftTrim: (%, JLComplexF64) -> %

from LinearAggregate JLComplexF64

length: % -> JLComplexF64

from VectorCategory JLComplexF64

less?: (%, NonNegativeInteger) -> Boolean

from Aggregate

map!: (JLComplexF64 -> JLComplexF64, %) -> %

from HomogeneousAggregate JLComplexF64

map: ((JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64) -> JLComplexF64, %, %) -> %

from LinearAggregate JLComplexF64

map: (JLComplexF64 -> JLComplexF64, %) -> %

from HomogeneousAggregate JLComplexF64

max: % -> JLComplexF64 if JLComplexF64 has OrderedSet

from HomogeneousAggregate JLComplexF64

max: (%, %) -> % if JLComplexF64 has OrderedSet

from OrderedSet

max: ((JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64) -> Boolean, %) -> JLComplexF64

from HomogeneousAggregate JLComplexF64

maxIndex: % -> Integer

from IndexedAggregate(Integer, JLComplexF64)

member?: (JLComplexF64, %) -> Boolean

from HomogeneousAggregate JLComplexF64

members: % -> List JLComplexF64

from HomogeneousAggregate JLComplexF64

merge: (%, %) -> % if JLComplexF64 has OrderedSet

from LinearAggregate JLComplexF64

merge: ((JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64) -> Boolean, %, %) -> %

from LinearAggregate JLComplexF64

min: % -> JLComplexF64 if JLComplexF64 has OrderedSet

from HomogeneousAggregate JLComplexF64

min: (%, %) -> % if JLComplexF64 has OrderedSet

from OrderedSet

minIndex: % -> Integer

from IndexedAggregate(Integer, JLComplexF64)

more?: (%, NonNegativeInteger) -> Boolean

from Aggregate

new: (NonNegativeInteger, JLComplexF64) -> %

from LinearAggregate JLComplexF64

nrand: NonNegativeInteger -> %

nrand(n) returns a normally distributed JL vector of size n. See JL documentation (randn) for this complex version used here.

outerProduct: (%, %) -> Matrix JLComplexF64

from VectorCategory JLComplexF64

parts: % -> List JLComplexF64

from HomogeneousAggregate JLComplexF64

position: (JLComplexF64 -> Boolean, %) -> Integer

from LinearAggregate JLComplexF64

position: (JLComplexF64, %) -> Integer

from LinearAggregate JLComplexF64

position: (JLComplexF64, %, Integer) -> Integer

from LinearAggregate JLComplexF64

qelt: (%, Integer) -> JLComplexF64

from EltableAggregate(Integer, JLComplexF64)

qnew: NonNegativeInteger -> %

qnew(n) creates a new uninitialized vector of length n.

qsetelt!: (%, Integer, JLComplexF64) -> JLComplexF64

from EltableAggregate(Integer, JLComplexF64)

real: % -> JLFloat64Vector

real(v) returns a JLFloat64 vector with the real part of the v elements.

reduce: ((JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64) -> JLComplexF64, %) -> JLComplexF64

from Collection JLComplexF64

reduce: ((JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64) -> JLComplexF64, %, JLComplexF64) -> JLComplexF64

from Collection JLComplexF64

reduce: ((JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64) -> JLComplexF64, %, JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64) -> JLComplexF64

from Collection JLComplexF64

remove: (JLComplexF64 -> Boolean, %) -> %

from Collection JLComplexF64

remove: (JLComplexF64, %) -> %

from Collection JLComplexF64

removeDuplicates: % -> %

from Collection JLComplexF64

reverse!: % -> %

from LinearAggregate JLComplexF64

reverse: % -> %

from LinearAggregate JLComplexF64

rightTrim: (%, JLComplexF64) -> %

from LinearAggregate JLComplexF64

sample: %

from Aggregate

select: (JLComplexF64 -> Boolean, %) -> %

from Collection JLComplexF64

setelt!: (%, Integer, JLComplexF64) -> JLComplexF64

from EltableAggregate(Integer, JLComplexF64)

setelt!: (%, UniversalSegment Integer, JLComplexF64) -> JLComplexF64

from LinearAggregate JLComplexF64

size?: (%, NonNegativeInteger) -> Boolean

from Aggregate

smaller?: (%, %) -> Boolean

from Comparable

sort!: % -> % if JLComplexF64 has OrderedSet

from LinearAggregate JLComplexF64

sort!: ((JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64) -> Boolean, %) -> %

from LinearAggregate JLComplexF64

sort: % -> % if JLComplexF64 has OrderedSet

from LinearAggregate JLComplexF64

sort: ((JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64) -> Boolean, %) -> %

from LinearAggregate JLComplexF64

sorted?: % -> Boolean if JLComplexF64 has OrderedSet

from LinearAggregate JLComplexF64

sorted?: ((JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64) -> Boolean, %) -> Boolean

from LinearAggregate JLComplexF64

swap!: (%, Integer, Integer) -> Void

from IndexedAggregate(Integer, JLComplexF64)

trim: (%, JLComplexF64) -> %

from LinearAggregate JLComplexF64

urand01: NonNegativeInteger -> %

urand01(n) returns a uniform(0$NNI..1) JL vector of size n.

vector: List JLComplexF64 -> %

vector(l) converts the list l to a vector.

zero?: % -> Boolean

from VectorCategory JLComplexF64

zero: NonNegativeInteger -> %

from VectorCategory JLComplexF64



CoercibleTo OutputForm

Collection JLComplexF64


ConvertibleTo InputForm

Eltable(Integer, JLComplexF64)

Eltable(UniversalSegment Integer, %)

EltableAggregate(Integer, JLComplexF64)

Evalable JLComplexF64 if JLComplexF64 has Evalable JLComplexF64


FiniteLinearAggregate JLComplexF64

Hashable if JLComplexF64 has Hashable

HomogeneousAggregate JLComplexF64

IndexedAggregate(Integer, JLComplexF64)

InnerEvalable(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64) if JLComplexF64 has Evalable JLComplexF64

JLVectorCategory JLComplexF64

LinearAggregate JLComplexF64

OneDimensionalArrayAggregate JLComplexF64

OrderedSet if JLComplexF64 has OrderedSet

PartialOrder if JLComplexF64 has OrderedSet



VectorCategory JLComplexF64