jarray64.spad line 574 [edit on github]
This domain provides a fast JLComplexF64
vector type with no bound checking on elt's
. Minimum index is 1.
- #: % -> NonNegativeInteger
from Aggregate
- *: (%, JLComplexF64) -> %
- *: (Integer, %) -> %
- *: (JLComplexF64, %) -> %
- +: (%, %) -> %
- <=: (%, %) -> Boolean if JLComplexF64 has OrderedSet
from PartialOrder
- <: (%, %) -> Boolean if JLComplexF64 has OrderedSet
from PartialOrder
- >=: (%, %) -> Boolean if JLComplexF64 has OrderedSet
from PartialOrder
- >: (%, %) -> Boolean if JLComplexF64 has OrderedSet
from PartialOrder
- any?: (JLComplexF64 -> Boolean, %) -> Boolean
- coerce: % -> OutputForm
from CoercibleTo OutputForm
- concat: (%, %) -> %
- concat: (%, JLComplexF64) -> %
- concat: (JLComplexF64, %) -> %
- concat: List % -> %
- construct: List JLComplexF64 -> %
from Collection JLComplexF64
- convert: % -> InputForm
from ConvertibleTo InputForm
- copy!: (%, %) -> %
copies efficiently a tob
. No check are done on arrays dimension.
- count: (JLComplexF64 -> Boolean, %) -> NonNegativeInteger
- count: (JLComplexF64, %) -> NonNegativeInteger
- cross: (%, %) -> %
- delete: (%, Integer) -> %
- delete: (%, UniversalSegment Integer) -> %
- dot: (%, %) -> JLComplexF64
- elt: (%, Integer) -> JLComplexF64
from Eltable(Integer, JLComplexF64)
- elt: (%, Integer, JLComplexF64) -> JLComplexF64
from EltableAggregate(Integer, JLComplexF64)
- elt: (%, UniversalSegment Integer) -> %
from Eltable(UniversalSegment Integer, %)
- entries: % -> List JLComplexF64
from IndexedAggregate(Integer, JLComplexF64)
- entry?: (JLComplexF64, %) -> Boolean
from IndexedAggregate(Integer, JLComplexF64)
- eval: (%, Equation JLComplexF64) -> % if JLComplexF64 has Evalable JLComplexF64
from Evalable JLComplexF64
- eval: (%, JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64) -> % if JLComplexF64 has Evalable JLComplexF64
- eval: (%, List Equation JLComplexF64) -> % if JLComplexF64 has Evalable JLComplexF64
from Evalable JLComplexF64
- eval: (%, List JLComplexF64, List JLComplexF64) -> % if JLComplexF64 has Evalable JLComplexF64
- every?: (JLComplexF64 -> Boolean, %) -> Boolean
- fill!: (%, JLComplexF64) -> %
from IndexedAggregate(Integer, JLComplexF64)
- find: (JLComplexF64 -> Boolean, %) -> Union(JLComplexF64, failed)
from Collection JLComplexF64
- first: % -> JLComplexF64
from IndexedAggregate(Integer, JLComplexF64)
- first: (%, NonNegativeInteger) -> %
- hash: % -> SingleInteger if JLComplexF64 has Hashable
from Hashable
- hashUpdate!: (HashState, %) -> HashState if JLComplexF64 has Hashable
from Hashable
- imag: % -> JLFloat64Vector
returns aJLFloat64
vector with the imaginary part of thev
- index?: (Integer, %) -> Boolean
from IndexedAggregate(Integer, JLComplexF64)
- indices: % -> List Integer
from IndexedAggregate(Integer, JLComplexF64)
- insert: (%, %, Integer) -> %
- insert: (JLComplexF64, %, Integer) -> %
- jlApply: (String, %, JLFloat64) -> JLFloat64
jlApply(func, x, val)
to argumentsx
and val.
- jlApprox?: (%, %) -> Boolean
computes inexact equality comparison with default parameters.Two numbers compare equal if their relative distance or their absolute distance is within tolerance bounds. Applied component-wise.
- jlDisplay: % -> Void
) pretty printsv
- juliaCVPrint: Boolean -> Boolean
defines whether or not FriCAS uses the printing version ofJL
for matrices instead of its OutputForm version. Returns previous value. By default it is theJL
- latex: % -> String
from SetCategory
- leftTrim: (%, JLComplexF64) -> %
- length: % -> JLComplexF64
- less?: (%, NonNegativeInteger) -> Boolean
from Aggregate
- map!: (JLComplexF64 -> JLComplexF64, %) -> %
- map: ((JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64) -> JLComplexF64, %, %) -> %
- map: (JLComplexF64 -> JLComplexF64, %) -> %
- max: % -> JLComplexF64 if JLComplexF64 has OrderedSet
- max: (%, %) -> % if JLComplexF64 has OrderedSet
from OrderedSet
- max: ((JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64) -> Boolean, %) -> JLComplexF64
- maxIndex: % -> Integer
from IndexedAggregate(Integer, JLComplexF64)
- member?: (JLComplexF64, %) -> Boolean
- members: % -> List JLComplexF64
- merge: (%, %) -> % if JLComplexF64 has OrderedSet
- merge: ((JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64) -> Boolean, %, %) -> %
- min: % -> JLComplexF64 if JLComplexF64 has OrderedSet
- min: (%, %) -> % if JLComplexF64 has OrderedSet
from OrderedSet
- minIndex: % -> Integer
from IndexedAggregate(Integer, JLComplexF64)
- more?: (%, NonNegativeInteger) -> Boolean
from Aggregate
- new: (NonNegativeInteger, JLComplexF64) -> %
- nrand: NonNegativeInteger -> %
returns a normally distributedJL
vector of sizen
. SeeJL
documentation (randn) for this complex version used here.
- outerProduct: (%, %) -> Matrix JLComplexF64
- parts: % -> List JLComplexF64
- position: (JLComplexF64 -> Boolean, %) -> Integer
- position: (JLComplexF64, %) -> Integer
- position: (JLComplexF64, %, Integer) -> Integer
- qelt: (%, Integer) -> JLComplexF64
from EltableAggregate(Integer, JLComplexF64)
- qnew: NonNegativeInteger -> %
creates a new uninitialized vector of lengthn
- qsetelt!: (%, Integer, JLComplexF64) -> JLComplexF64
from EltableAggregate(Integer, JLComplexF64)
- real: % -> JLFloat64Vector
returns aJLFloat64
vector with the real part of thev
- reduce: ((JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64) -> JLComplexF64, %) -> JLComplexF64
from Collection JLComplexF64
- reduce: ((JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64) -> JLComplexF64, %, JLComplexF64) -> JLComplexF64
from Collection JLComplexF64
- reduce: ((JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64) -> JLComplexF64, %, JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64) -> JLComplexF64
from Collection JLComplexF64
- remove: (JLComplexF64 -> Boolean, %) -> %
from Collection JLComplexF64
- remove: (JLComplexF64, %) -> %
from Collection JLComplexF64
- removeDuplicates: % -> %
from Collection JLComplexF64
- reverse!: % -> %
- reverse: % -> %
- rightTrim: (%, JLComplexF64) -> %
- select: (JLComplexF64 -> Boolean, %) -> %
from Collection JLComplexF64
- setelt!: (%, Integer, JLComplexF64) -> JLComplexF64
from EltableAggregate(Integer, JLComplexF64)
- setelt!: (%, UniversalSegment Integer, JLComplexF64) -> JLComplexF64
- size?: (%, NonNegativeInteger) -> Boolean
from Aggregate
- smaller?: (%, %) -> Boolean
from Comparable
- sort!: % -> % if JLComplexF64 has OrderedSet
- sort!: ((JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64) -> Boolean, %) -> %
- sort: % -> % if JLComplexF64 has OrderedSet
- sort: ((JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64) -> Boolean, %) -> %
- sorted?: % -> Boolean if JLComplexF64 has OrderedSet
- sorted?: ((JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64) -> Boolean, %) -> Boolean
- swap!: (%, Integer, Integer) -> Void
from IndexedAggregate(Integer, JLComplexF64)
- trim: (%, JLComplexF64) -> %
- urand01: NonNegativeInteger -> %
returns a uniform(0$NNI..1)JL
vector of sizen
- vector: List JLComplexF64 -> %
converts the listl
to a vector.
- zero: NonNegativeInteger -> %
Eltable(Integer, JLComplexF64)
Eltable(UniversalSegment Integer, %)
EltableAggregate(Integer, JLComplexF64)
Evalable JLComplexF64 if JLComplexF64 has Evalable JLComplexF64
FiniteLinearAggregate JLComplexF64
Hashable if JLComplexF64 has Hashable
HomogeneousAggregate JLComplexF64
IndexedAggregate(Integer, JLComplexF64)
InnerEvalable(JLComplexF64, JLComplexF64) if JLComplexF64 has Evalable JLComplexF64
OneDimensionalArrayAggregate JLComplexF64
OrderedSet if JLComplexF64 has OrderedSet
PartialOrder if JLComplexF64 has OrderedSet