JLWSAggregate EΒΆ

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JL Wolfram Symbolic aggregate (WS list) using Wolfram Symbolic Transport Protocol.

#: % -> JLWSInteger

\#(agg) returns the length of agg. 0 if it is a scalar, an index for example.

=: (%, %) -> Boolean

from BasicType

~=: (%, %) -> Boolean

from BasicType

accumulate: % -> % if E has JLWSNumber


append: (%, E) -> %

append(l, elt) appends elt to the list l.

coerce: % -> JLObject

from JLObjectType

coerce: % -> JLWSExpression

coerce(agg) coerces agg to a JLWSExpression.

coerce: % -> OutputForm

from CoercibleTo OutputForm

coerce: List E -> %

coerce(list) tries to coerce list as a JLWSAggregate.

convert: % -> String

from ConvertibleTo String

delete: (%, JLWSList JLWSInteger) -> %

delete(l, inds) deletes element(s) of the list l at index(es) inds.

differences: % -> % if E has JLWSNumber


dimensions: % -> JLWSList JLWSInteger

dimensions(agg) returns dimensions of agg.

elt: (%, Integer) -> E

elt(agg,i) returns the i-th element.

extract: (%, JLWSExpression) -> %

extract(agg, parts) extracts parts of agg.

first: % -> E

first(agg) returns the first element of agg.

insert: (%, E, JLWSInteger) -> %

insert(l, elt, ind) inserts elt to the list l at index ind.

intersection: (%, %) -> %

intersection(agg1, agg2) is the intersection set operator.

jlAbout: % -> Void

from JLObjectType

jlApply: (String, %) -> %

from JLObjectType

jlApply: (String, %, %) -> %

from JLObjectType

jlApply: (String, %, %, %) -> %

from JLObjectType

jlApply: (String, %, %, %, %) -> %

from JLObjectType

jlApply: (String, %, %, %, %, %) -> %

from JLObjectType

jlDisplay: % -> Void

from JLObjectType

jlEval: % -> %

from JLWSObject

jlHead: % -> JLWSSymbol

from JLWSObject

jlId: % -> JLInt64

from JLObjectType

jlNumeric: % -> %

from JLWSObject

jlNumeric: (%, PositiveInteger) -> %

from JLWSObject

jlObject: () -> String

from JLObjectType

jlRef: % -> SExpression

from JLObjectType

jlref: String -> %

from JLObjectType

jlSymbolic: % -> String

from JLWSObject

jlType: % -> String

from JLObjectType

join: (%, %) -> %

join(agg1, agg2) join the two aggreagtes agg1 and agg2.

jWSAggregate: List E -> %

jWSAggregate(list) constructs agg as a JLWSAggregate.

jWSInterpret: (String, String) -> %

from JLWSObject

last: % -> E

last(agg) returns the last element of agg.

latex: % -> String

from SetCategory

length: % -> JLWSInteger

length(agg) returns the length of agg. 0 if it is a scalar, an index for example.

mutable?: % -> Boolean

from JLObjectType

nothing?: % -> Boolean

from JLObjectType

part: (%, JLWSInteger) -> E

part(agg,i) returns the i-th element.

prepend: (%, E) -> %

prepend(l, elt) prepends elt to the list l.

qelt: (%, Integer) -> E

qelt(agg,i) returns the i-th element. No checks are done at the FriCAS level.

qsetelt!: (%, Integer, E) -> %

qsetelt!(l,i,elem) returns l with i-th element replaced by elem. No checks are done at the FriCAS level.

qsetelt: (%, Integer, E) -> %

qsetelt(l,i,elem) returns a copy of l with i-th element replaced by the element elem. No checks are done at the FriCAS level.

removeDuplicates: % -> %

removeDuplicates(agg) removes duplicate elements.

replacePart: (%, %) -> %

replacePart(expr, part) replaces expr using rule(s) expressing position(s).

rest: % -> %

rest(agg) returns agg without the first element.

reverse: % -> %

reverse(agg) reverses the elements of agg.

reverse: (%, JLWSInteger) -> %

reverse(agg, lev) reverses the elements of agg at level lev.

reverse: (%, JLWSList JLWSInteger) -> %

reverse(agg, levels) reverses the elements of agg using levels.

riffle: (%, %) -> %

riffle(agg, elts) riffles (interleaves) element(s) elts i.e. insert them.

riffle: (%, %, %) -> %

riffle(agg, elts, inds) riffles (interleaves) element(s) elts i.e. insert them. If inds is {min, max, n} insert at position min, min+n, min+2n..max.

setelt!: (%, Integer, E) -> %

setelt!(l,i,elem) returns l with i-th element replaced by elem.

setelt: (%, Integer, E) -> %

setelt(l,i,elem) returns a copy of l with i-th element replaced by the element elem.

setIntersection: (%, %) -> %

intersection(agg1, agg2) is the intersection set operator.

sort: % -> %

sort(agg) returns agg in sorted order. For complex numbers, sorts them by their real part first.

sorted?: % -> Boolean

sorted?(agg) checks whether agg is sorted or not.

string: % -> String

from JLObjectType

take: (%, Integer) -> %

take(l,i) returns the first i-th elements.

take: (%, JLWSList JLWSInteger) -> %

take(l,i) returns the first i-th elements.

toString: % -> String

from JLWSObject

total: % -> E if E has JLWSNumber

total(agg) returns the sum of the elements in agg.

union: (%, %) -> %

union(agg1, agg2) is the union set operator. Elements are sorted on output.


CoercibleTo OutputForm

ConvertibleTo String



