
jobject.spad line 1 [edit on github]

Category for arbitrary Julia objects, more precisely objects that are used within Julia.

=: (%, %) -> Boolean

from BasicType

~=: (%, %) -> Boolean

from BasicType

coerce: % -> OutputForm

from CoercibleTo OutputForm

convert: % -> String

from ConvertibleTo String

jlAbout: % -> Void

jlAbout(obj) displays Julia informations about obj if you have About.jl installed in Julia. In the Julia interpreter enter in the package management mode with ‘]’ and issue: pkg> add “https://github.com/tecosaur/About.jl"

jlApply: (String, %) -> %

jlApply(func, obj) executes the function func with obj as parameter and returns the result as a FriCAS JuliaObjectType.

jlApply: (String, %, %) -> %

jlApply(func, obj1, obj2) executes the function func with obj1 and obj2 as parameters and returns the result as a FriCAS JuliaObjectType. For example, using JuliaObject: example{M:=nrand(4,4);jlApply(“getproperty”,} indented{1}{jlApply(“svd”, M::JOBJECT), jsym "S")} should be “equivalent” to svdvals(M)

jlApply: (String, %, %, %) -> %

jlApply(func, obj1, obj2, obj3) executes the function func with obj1, obj2 and obj3 as parameters and returns the result as a FriCAS JuliaObjectType.

jlApply: (String, %, %, %, %) -> %

jlApply(func, obj1, obj2, obj3, obj4) executes the function func with obj1, obj2, obj3 and obj4 as parameters and returns the result as a FriCAS JuliaObjectType.

jlApply: (String, %, %, %, %, %) -> %

jlApply(func, obj1, obj2, obj3, obj4, obj5) executes the function func with obj1, obj2, obj3, obj4 and obj5 as parameters and returns the result as a FriCAS JuliaObjectType.

jlApply: (String, %, %, %, %, %, %) -> %

jlApply(func, obj1, obj2, obj3, obj4, obj5, obj6) executes the function func with obj1, obj2, obj3, obj4, obj5 and obj6 as parameters and returns the result as a FriCAS JuliaObjectType.

jlId: % -> String

jlId(obj) returns the Julia indexed dictionary index related to the object obj.

jlRef: % -> SExpression

jlRef(obj) returns the pretty printed internal Lisp representation of the Julia object obj.

jlref: String -> %

jlref(str) evaluates the Julia command str and returns the corresponding FriCAS Julia object.

jlType: % -> String

jlType(obj) return the Julia type of obj.

latex: % -> String

from SetCategory

mutable?: % -> Boolean

mutable?(obj) checks wheter or not obj is mutable.

nothing?: % -> Boolean

nothing?(obj) checks whether or not obj is nothing.

string: % -> String

string(obj) returns the Julia corresponding value of the object obj as a string. Convenience function.


CoercibleTo OutputForm

ConvertibleTo String

