
jutils.spad line 452 [edit on github]

This package provides Julia facilities that operate on strings.

jlLatex: String -> String

jlLatex(str) returns the String corresponding to a Julia LaTeX expression, that is, “L”str”” if your Julia support it (LaTeXStrings package). Convenience function.

jlRegex: String -> String

jlRegex(str) returns the String corresponding to a Julia regular expression, that is, “r”str””. Convenience function.

jlRegexMatch?: (String, String) -> Boolean

jlRegexMatch(regex,s) checks if the regular expression matches in s.

jlRegexMatch: (String, String) -> AssociationList(String, String)

jlRegexMatch(regex, s) returns the matched regular expressions in s.

jlRegexMatch: (String, String) -> List String

jlRegexMatch(regex, s) returns the matched regular expressions in s.

jlRegexMatch: (String, String) -> String

jlRegexMatch(regex, s) returns the matched regular expression in s.

jlRegexMatch: (String, String, PositiveInteger) -> AssociationList(String, String)

jlRegexMatch(regex, s, i) returns the matched regular expressions in s, starting at index i.

jlRegexMatch: (String, String, PositiveInteger) -> List String

jlRegexMatch(regex, s, i) returns the matched regular expressions in s, starting at index i.

jlRegexMatch: (String, String, PositiveInteger) -> String

jlRegexMatch(regex, s, i) returns the matched regular expression in s, starting at index i.

jlRegexReplace: (String, String, String) -> String

jlRegexReplace(regex,subst,str) will replace captured regular expressions in str with subst. More information in String documentation of Julia. For example: jlRegexReplace(jlRegex(”$”), jlSubstitute(” you!”), “hey”)

jlSplit: (String, String) -> List String

jlSplit(str, delims) split str with delimiter(s) delims (a string or a regular expression). Equivalent to jlSplit(str, delims, 0).

jlSplit: (String, String, NonNegativeInteger) -> List String

jlSplit(str, delims, n) split str with delimiter(s) delims (a string or a regular expression). Return a list of size n. Parse entirely str if n = 0.

jlSubstitute: String -> String

jlSubstitute(str) returns the String corresponding to a Julia subtitute expression, that is, “s”str”””. Convenience function.