
jutils.spad line 1 [edit on github]

This package provides different Julia utility functions.

jlAddPackage: String -> Void

jlAddPackage(package) add package to Julia project.

jlApprox?: (JuliaComplexF32, JuliaComplexF32) -> Boolean

jlApprox?(x,y) computes inexact equality comparison with default parameters. Two numbers compare equal if their relative distance or their absolute distance is within tolerance bounds. Applied component-wise.

jlApprox?: (JuliaComplexF64, JuliaComplexF64) -> Boolean

jlApprox?(x,y) computes inexact equality comparison with default parameters. Two numbers compare equal if their relative distance or their absolute distance is within tolerance bounds. Applied component-wise.

jlBoolFunction2F32: (String, JuliaFloat32, JuliaFloat32) -> Boolean


jlBoolFunction2F64: (String, JuliaFloat64, JuliaFloat64) -> Boolean


jlDefined?: JuliaSymbol -> Boolean

jlDefined?(sym) checks whether or not sym is defined in Julia.

jlDefined?: String -> Boolean

jlDefined?(str) checks whether or not str is defined in Julia.

jlEvalString: String -> Boolean

jlEvalString(str) evaluates str in Julia, where the output is a Boolean.

jlEvalString: String -> Integer

jlEvalString(str) evaluates str in Julia, where the output is an Integer.

jlEvalString: String -> JuliaFloat64

jlEvalString(str) evaluates str in Julia, where the output is a JuliaFloat64.

jlEvalString: String -> JuliaInt64

jlEvalString(str) evaluates str in Julia, where the output is a JuliaInt64.

jlEvalString: String -> NonNegativeInteger

jlEvalString(str) evaluates str in Julia, where the output is an Non Negative Integer.

jlEvalString: String -> PositiveInteger

jlEvalString(str) evaluates str in Julia, where the output is an Positive Integer.

jlEvalString: String -> String

jlEvalString(str) evaluates str in Julia, where the output is a String.

jlEvalString: String -> Void

jlEvalString(str) evaluates str in Julia with no output.

jlF32Function2F32: (String, JuliaFloat32, JuliaFloat32) -> JuliaFloat32


jlF32Function3F32: (String, JuliaFloat32, JuliaFloat32, JuliaFloat32) -> JuliaFloat32

jlF32Function3F32(func, x, y, z)

jlF32FunctionCF32Mat: (String, JuliaComplexF32Vector, NonNegativeInteger) -> JuliaFloat32

jlF32FunctionF32Mat(func, cmat, nr) returns the output value of func applied to cmat, internally a vector, where the number of rows is nr.

jlF32FunctionCF32MatF32: (String, JuliaComplexF32Vector, NonNegativeInteger, JuliaFloat32) -> JuliaFloat32

jlF32FunctionF32Mat(func, cmat, nr, p) returns the output value of func applied to cmat, internally a vector, where the number of rows is nr and p an additional parameter.

jlF32FunctionCF32Vec: (String, JuliaComplexF32Vector) -> JuliaFloat32

jlF32FunctionCF32Vec(func, cvec) returns the output value of func applied to cvec.

jlF32FunctionCF32VecF32: (String, JuliaComplexF32Vector, JuliaFloat32) -> JuliaFloat32

jlF32FunctionCF32Vec(func, cvec, p) returns the output value of func applied to cvec with parameter p.

jlF32FunctionF32: (String, JuliaFloat32) -> JuliaFloat32


jlF32FunctionF32I64: (String, JuliaFloat32, JuliaInt64) -> JuliaFloat32


jlF32FunctionF32Mat: (String, JuliaFloat32Vector, NonNegativeInteger) -> JuliaFloat32

jlF32FunctionF32Mat(func, mat, nr) returns the output value of func applied to mat, internally a vector, where the number of rows is nr.

jlF32FunctionF32MatF32: (String, JuliaFloat32Vector, NonNegativeInteger, JuliaFloat32) -> JuliaFloat32

jlF32FunctionF32Mat(func, mat, nr, p) returns the output value of func applied to mat, internally a vector, where the number of rows is nr and p an additional parameter.

jlF32FunctionF32Vec: (String, JuliaFloat32Vector) -> JuliaFloat32

jlF32FunctionCF32Vec(func, vec) returns the output value of func applied to vec.

jlF32FunctionF32VecF32: (String, JuliaFloat32Vector, JuliaFloat32) -> JuliaFloat32

jlF32FunctionCF32Vec(func, vec, p) returns the output value of func applied to vec with parameter p.

jlF32FunctionI64F32: (String, JuliaInt64, JuliaFloat32) -> JuliaFloat32


jlF64Function2F64: (String, JuliaFloat64, JuliaFloat64) -> JuliaFloat64


jlF64Function3F64: (String, JuliaFloat64, JuliaFloat64, JuliaFloat64) -> JuliaFloat64

jlF64Function3F64(func, x, y, z)

jlF64FunctionCF64Mat: (String, JuliaComplexF64Vector, NonNegativeInteger) -> JuliaFloat64

jlF64FunctionF64Mat(func, cmat, nr) returns the output value of func applied to cmat, internally a vector, where the number of rows is nr.

jlF64FunctionCF64MatF64: (String, JuliaComplexF64Vector, NonNegativeInteger, JuliaFloat64) -> JuliaFloat64

jlF64FunctionF64Mat(func, cmat, nr, p) returns the output value of func applied to cmat, internally a vector, where the number of rows is nr and p an additional parameter.

jlF64FunctionCF64Vec: (String, JuliaComplexF64Vector) -> JuliaFloat64

jlF64FunctionCF64Vec(func, cvec) returns the output value of func applied to cvec.

jlF64FunctionCF64VecF64: (String, JuliaComplexF64Vector, JuliaFloat64) -> JuliaFloat64

jlF64FunctionCF64Vec(func, cvec, p) returns the output value of func applied to cvec with parameter p.

jlF64FunctionF64: (String, JuliaFloat64) -> JuliaFloat64


jlF64FunctionF64I64: (String, JuliaFloat64, JuliaInt64) -> JuliaFloat64


jlF64FunctionF64Mat: (String, JuliaFloat64Vector, NonNegativeInteger) -> JuliaFloat64

jlF64FunctionF64Mat(func, mat, nr) returns the output value of func applied to mat, internally a vector, where the number of rows is nr.

jlF64FunctionF64MatF64: (String, JuliaFloat64Vector, NonNegativeInteger, JuliaFloat64) -> JuliaFloat64

jlF64FunctionF64Mat(func, mat, nr, p) returns the output value of func applied to mat, internally a vector, where the number of rows is nr and p an additional parameter.

jlF64FunctionF64Vec: (String, JuliaFloat64Vector) -> JuliaFloat64

jlF64FunctionCF64Vec(func, vec) returns the output value of func applied to vec.

jlF64FunctionF64VecF64: (String, JuliaFloat64Vector, JuliaFloat64) -> JuliaFloat64

jlF64FunctionCF64Vec(func, vec, p) returns the output value of func applied to vec with parameter p.

jlF64FunctionI64F64: (String, JuliaInt64, JuliaFloat64) -> JuliaFloat64


jlFunction2CF32Mat!: (String, JuliaComplexF32Vector, NonNegativeInteger, JuliaComplexF32Vector, NonNegativeInteger) -> Void

jlFunction2CF32Mat(func, cmat1, cmat2) applies the Julia function func to cmat2 that overwrites cmat1 with the result. Please note that the overwriting is done by Julia and not FriCAS. See Julia ‘copy!’ or adjoint! for example.

jlFunction2CF32Vec!: (String, JuliaComplexF32Vector, JuliaComplexF32Vector) -> Void

jlFunction2CF32Vec(func, cvec1, cvec2) applies the Julia function func to cvec2 that overwrites cvec1 with the result. Please note that the overwriting is done by Julia and not FriCAS. See Julia ‘copy!’ for example.

jlFunction2CF64Mat!: (String, JuliaComplexF64Vector, NonNegativeInteger, JuliaComplexF64Vector, NonNegativeInteger) -> Void

jlFunction2CF64Mat!(func, cmat1, cmat2) applies the Julia function func to cmat2 that overwrites cmat1 with the result. Please note that the overwriting is done by Julia and not FriCAS. See Julia ‘copy!’ or adjoint! for example.

jlFunction2CF64Vec!: (String, JuliaComplexF64Vector, JuliaComplexF64Vector) -> Void

jlFunction2CF64Vec!(func, cvec1, cvec2) applies the Julia function func to cvec2 that overwrites cvec1 with the result. Please note that the overwriting is done by Julia and not FriCAS. See Julia ‘copy!’ for example.

jlFunction2F32: (String, JuliaFloat32, JuliaFloat32) -> Void


jlFunction2F32Mat!: (String, JuliaFloat32Vector, NonNegativeInteger, JuliaFloat32Vector, NonNegativeInteger) -> Void

jlFunction2F32Mat!(func, mat1, mat2) applies the Julia function func to mat2 that overwrites mat1 with the result. Please note that the overwriting is done by Julia and not FriCAS. See Julia ‘copy!’ or transpose! for example.

jlFunction2F32Vec!: (String, JuliaFloat32Vector, JuliaFloat32Vector) -> Void

jlFunction2F32Vec(func, vec1, vec2) applies the Julia function func to vec2 that overwrites vec1 with the result. Please note that the overwriting is done by Julia and not FriCAS. See Julia ‘copy!’ for example.

jlFunction2F64: (String, JuliaFloat64, JuliaFloat64) -> Void


jlFunction2F64Mat!: (String, JuliaFloat64Vector, NonNegativeInteger, JuliaFloat64Vector, NonNegativeInteger) -> Void

jlFunction2F64Mat!(func, mat1, mat2) applies the Julia function func to mat2 that overwrites mat1 with the result. Please note that the overwriting is done by Julia and not FriCAS. See Julia ‘copy!’ or transpose! for example.

jlFunction2F64Vec!: (String, JuliaFloat64Vector, JuliaFloat64Vector) -> Void

jlFunction2F64Vec!(func, vec1, vec2) applies the Julia function func to vec2 that overwrites vec1 with the result. Please note that the overwriting is done by Julia and not FriCAS. See Julia ‘copy!’ for example.

jlFunction3F32: (String, JuliaFloat32, JuliaFloat32, JuliaFloat32) -> Void


jlFunction3F64: (String, JuliaFloat64, JuliaFloat64, JuliaFloat64) -> Void


jlFunctionCF32ArrayCF32Mat: (String, JuliaComplexF32Vector, JuliaComplexF32Vector, NonNegativeInteger) -> NonNegativeInteger

jlFunctionF32ArrayCF32Mat(func, carray, cmat, nr) applies the function func to the matrix cmat and returns the result in carray. It is FriCAS that puts, at the C level, the resulting matrix in carray.

jlFunctionCF32ArrayF32Mat: (String, JuliaComplexF32Vector, JuliaFloat32Vector, NonNegativeInteger) -> Void

jlFunctionCF32ArrayF32Mat(func, carray, mat, nr) applies the function func to the matrix mat and returns the result in carray. It is FriCAS that puts, at the C level, the resulting matrix in carray. Can be used with Julia ‘sqrt’ for example.

jlFunctionCF32Mat: (String, JuliaComplexF32Vector, NonNegativeInteger) -> Void

jlFunctionF32Mat(func, cmat, nr) applies func to the matrix mat, internally a vector, where the numer of rows is nr.

jlFunctionCF32Vec: (String, JuliaComplexF32Vector) -> Void

jlF32FunctionF32Vec(func, vec) applies func to cvec.

jlFunctionCF64ArrayCF64Mat: (String, JuliaComplexF64Vector, JuliaComplexF64Vector, NonNegativeInteger) -> NonNegativeInteger

jlFunctionF64ArrayCF64Mat(func, carray, cmat, nr) applies the function func to the matrix cmat and returns the result in carray. It is FriCAS that puts, at the C level, the resulting matrix in carray.

jlFunctionCF64ArrayF64Mat: (String, JuliaComplexF64Vector, JuliaFloat64Vector, NonNegativeInteger) -> Void

jlFunctionCF64ArrayF64Mat(func, carray, mat, nr) applies the function func to the matrix mat and returns the result in carray. It is FriCAS that puts, at the C level, the resulting matrix in carray. Can be used with Julia ‘sqrt’ for example.

jlFunctionCF64Mat: (String, JuliaComplexF64Vector, NonNegativeInteger) -> Void

jlFunctionF64Mat(func, cmat, nr) applies func to the matrix mat, internally a vector, where the numer of rows is nr.

jlFunctionCF64Vec: (String, JuliaComplexF64Vector) -> Void

jlF64FunctionF64Vec(func, vec) applies func to cvec.

jlFunctionF32: (String, JuliaFloat32) -> Void


jlFunctionF32ArrayCF32Mat: (String, JuliaFloat32Vector, JuliaComplexF32Vector, NonNegativeInteger) -> Void

jlFunctionF32ArrayCF32Mat(func, array, cmat, nr) applies the function func to the matrix cmat and returns the result in array. It is FriCAS that puts, at the C level, the resulting matrix in array. Can be used with Julia ‘real’ or ‘imag’ for example.

jlFunctionF32ArrayF32Mat: (String, JuliaFloat32Vector, JuliaFloat32Vector, NonNegativeInteger) -> Void

jlFunctionF32ArrayF32Mat(func, array, mat, nr) applies the function func to the matrix mat and returns the result in array. It is FriCAS that puts, at the C level, the resulting matrix in array. Can be used with Julia ‘inv’ for example.

jlFunctionF32Mat: (String, JuliaFloat32Vector, NonNegativeInteger) -> Void

jlFunctionF32Mat(func, mat, nr) applies func to the matrix mat, internally a vector, where the numer of rows is nr.

jlFunctionF32Vec: (String, JuliaFloat32Vector) -> Void

jlFunctionF32Vector(func, vec) applies func to vec.

jlFunctionF64: (String, JuliaFloat64) -> Void


jlFunctionF64ArrayCF64Mat: (String, JuliaFloat64Vector, JuliaComplexF64Vector, NonNegativeInteger) -> Void

jlFunctionF64ArrayCF64Mat(func, array, cmat, nr) applies the function func to the matrix cmat and returns the result in array. It is FriCAS that puts, at the C level, the resulting matrix in array. Can be used with Julia ‘real’ or ‘imag’ for example.

jlFunctionF64ArrayF64Mat: (String, JuliaFloat64Vector, JuliaFloat64Vector, NonNegativeInteger) -> Void

jlFunctionF64ArrayF64Mat(func, array, mat, nr) applies the function func to the matrix mat and returns the result in array. It is FriCAS that puts, at the C level, the resulting matrix in array. Can be used with Julia ‘inv’ for example.

jlFunctionF64Mat: (String, JuliaFloat64Vector, NonNegativeInteger) -> Void

jlFunctionF64Mat(func, mat, nr) applies func to the matrix mat, internally a vector, where the numer of rows is nr.

jlFunctionF64Vec: (String, JuliaFloat64Vector) -> Void

jlFunctionF64Vector(func, vec) applies func to vec.

jlI64FunctionF32: (String, JuliaFloat32) -> JuliaInt64


jlI64FunctionF64: (String, JuliaFloat64) -> JuliaInt64


jlImport: String -> Boolean

jlImport(modpackfunc) imports the module, package or function modpackfunc and makes its exported name(s) available. Returns false if it can not be imported.

jlInclude: String -> Boolean

jlInclude(file.jl) loads and evaluates the content of the Julia file file.jl in the current global scope.

jlInitialize: Boolean -> Boolean

jlInitialize(init) initializes the Julia environment if init is true, otherwise clears the Julia environment. Normally, it should not be used since it is automatically called.

jlUsing: String -> Boolean

jlUsing(modpack) loads the module or package modpack and makes its exported names available. Returns false if it can not be loaded.