TensorProduct(R, B1, B2, M1, M2)ΒΆ
tensor.spad line 76 [edit on github]
B1: OrderedSet
B2: OrderedSet
M1: FreeModuleCategory(R, B1)
M2: FreeModuleCategory(R, B2)
Tensor product of free modules over a commutative ring. It is represented as a free module over the direct product of the respective bases. The factor domains must provide operations listOfTerms
, whose result is assumed to be stored in reverse order.
- 0: %
from AbelianMonoid
- 1: % if M1 has NonAssociativeAlgebra R and M2 has CommutativeRing and M1 has CommutativeRing and M2 has NonAssociativeAlgebra R or M1 has Algebra R and M2 has Algebra R
from MagmaWithUnit
- *: (%, %) -> % if M1 has Algebra R and M2 has Algebra R or M1 has NonAssociativeAlgebra R and M2 has NonAssociativeAlgebra R
from Magma
- *: (%, R) -> %
from RightModule R
- *: (Integer, %) -> %
from AbelianGroup
- *: (NonNegativeInteger, %) -> %
from AbelianMonoid
- *: (PositiveInteger, %) -> %
from AbelianSemiGroup
- *: (R, %) -> %
from LeftModule R
- +: (%, %) -> %
from AbelianSemiGroup
- -: % -> %
from AbelianGroup
- -: (%, %) -> %
from AbelianGroup
- ^: (%, NonNegativeInteger) -> % if M1 has NonAssociativeAlgebra R and M2 has CommutativeRing and M1 has CommutativeRing and M2 has NonAssociativeAlgebra R or M1 has Algebra R and M2 has Algebra R
from MagmaWithUnit
- ^: (%, PositiveInteger) -> % if M1 has Algebra R and M2 has Algebra R or M1 has NonAssociativeAlgebra R and M2 has NonAssociativeAlgebra R
from Magma
- annihilate?: (%, %) -> Boolean if M1 has NonAssociativeAlgebra R and M2 has CommutativeRing and M1 has CommutativeRing and M2 has NonAssociativeAlgebra R or M1 has Algebra R and M2 has Algebra R
from Rng
- antiCommutator: (%, %) -> % if M1 has Algebra R and M2 has Algebra R or M1 has NonAssociativeAlgebra R and M2 has NonAssociativeAlgebra R
- associator: (%, %, %) -> % if M1 has Algebra R and M2 has Algebra R or M1 has NonAssociativeAlgebra R and M2 has NonAssociativeAlgebra R
from NonAssociativeRng
- characteristic: () -> NonNegativeInteger if M1 has NonAssociativeAlgebra R and M2 has CommutativeRing and M1 has CommutativeRing and M2 has NonAssociativeAlgebra R or M1 has Algebra R and M2 has Algebra R
from NonAssociativeRing
- coefficient: (%, Product(B1, B2)) -> R
from FreeModuleCategory(R, Product(B1, B2))
- coefficients: % -> List R
from FreeModuleCategory(R, Product(B1, B2))
- coerce: % -> % if M1 has CommutativeRing and M2 has CommutativeRing and M1 has NonAssociativeAlgebra R and M2 has NonAssociativeAlgebra R
from Algebra %
- coerce: % -> OutputForm
from CoercibleTo OutputForm
- coerce: Integer -> % if M1 has NonAssociativeAlgebra R and M2 has CommutativeRing and M1 has CommutativeRing and M2 has NonAssociativeAlgebra R or M1 has Algebra R and M2 has Algebra R
from NonAssociativeRing
- coerce: R -> % if M1 has Algebra R and M2 has Algebra R
from Algebra R
- commutator: (%, %) -> % if M1 has Algebra R and M2 has Algebra R or M1 has NonAssociativeAlgebra R and M2 has NonAssociativeAlgebra R
from NonAssociativeRng
- construct: List Record(k: Product(B1, B2), c: R) -> %
from IndexedProductCategory(R, Product(B1, B2))
- constructOrdered: List Record(k: Product(B1, B2), c: R) -> % if Product(B1, B2) has Comparable
from IndexedProductCategory(R, Product(B1, B2))
- latex: % -> String
from SetCategory
- leadingCoefficient: % -> R if Product(B1, B2) has Comparable
from IndexedProductCategory(R, Product(B1, B2))
- leadingMonomial: % -> % if Product(B1, B2) has Comparable
from IndexedProductCategory(R, Product(B1, B2))
- leadingSupport: % -> Product(B1, B2) if Product(B1, B2) has Comparable
from IndexedProductCategory(R, Product(B1, B2))
- leadingTerm: % -> Record(k: Product(B1, B2), c: R) if Product(B1, B2) has Comparable
from IndexedProductCategory(R, Product(B1, B2))
- leftPower: (%, NonNegativeInteger) -> % if M1 has NonAssociativeAlgebra R and M2 has CommutativeRing and M1 has CommutativeRing and M2 has NonAssociativeAlgebra R or M1 has Algebra R and M2 has Algebra R
from MagmaWithUnit
- leftPower: (%, PositiveInteger) -> % if M1 has Algebra R and M2 has Algebra R or M1 has NonAssociativeAlgebra R and M2 has NonAssociativeAlgebra R
from Magma
- leftRecip: % -> Union(%, failed) if M1 has NonAssociativeAlgebra R and M2 has CommutativeRing and M1 has CommutativeRing and M2 has NonAssociativeAlgebra R or M1 has Algebra R and M2 has Algebra R
from MagmaWithUnit
- linearExtend: (Product(B1, B2) -> R, %) -> R
from FreeModuleCategory(R, Product(B1, B2))
- listOfTerms: % -> List Record(k: Product(B1, B2), c: R)
from IndexedDirectProductCategory(R, Product(B1, B2))
- map: (R -> R, %) -> %
from IndexedProductCategory(R, Product(B1, B2))
- monomial?: % -> Boolean
from IndexedProductCategory(R, Product(B1, B2))
- monomial: (R, Product(B1, B2)) -> %
from IndexedProductCategory(R, Product(B1, B2))
- monomials: % -> List %
from FreeModuleCategory(R, Product(B1, B2))
- numberOfMonomials: % -> NonNegativeInteger
from IndexedDirectProductCategory(R, Product(B1, B2))
- one?: % -> Boolean if M1 has NonAssociativeAlgebra R and M2 has CommutativeRing and M1 has CommutativeRing and M2 has NonAssociativeAlgebra R or M1 has Algebra R and M2 has Algebra R
from MagmaWithUnit
- opposite?: (%, %) -> Boolean
from AbelianMonoid
- plenaryPower: (%, PositiveInteger) -> % if M1 has Algebra R and M2 has Algebra R or M1 has NonAssociativeAlgebra R and M2 has NonAssociativeAlgebra R
from NonAssociativeAlgebra R
- recip: % -> Union(%, failed) if M1 has NonAssociativeAlgebra R and M2 has CommutativeRing and M1 has CommutativeRing and M2 has NonAssociativeAlgebra R or M1 has Algebra R and M2 has Algebra R
from MagmaWithUnit
- reductum: % -> % if Product(B1, B2) has Comparable
from IndexedProductCategory(R, Product(B1, B2))
- rightPower: (%, NonNegativeInteger) -> % if M1 has NonAssociativeAlgebra R and M2 has CommutativeRing and M1 has CommutativeRing and M2 has NonAssociativeAlgebra R or M1 has Algebra R and M2 has Algebra R
from MagmaWithUnit
- rightPower: (%, PositiveInteger) -> % if M1 has Algebra R and M2 has Algebra R or M1 has NonAssociativeAlgebra R and M2 has NonAssociativeAlgebra R
from Magma
- rightRecip: % -> Union(%, failed) if M1 has NonAssociativeAlgebra R and M2 has CommutativeRing and M1 has CommutativeRing and M2 has NonAssociativeAlgebra R or M1 has Algebra R and M2 has Algebra R
from MagmaWithUnit
- sample: %
from AbelianMonoid
- smaller?: (%, %) -> Boolean if Product(B1, B2) has Comparable and R has Comparable
from Comparable
- subtractIfCan: (%, %) -> Union(%, failed)
- support: % -> List Product(B1, B2)
from FreeModuleCategory(R, Product(B1, B2))
- tensor: (M1, M2) -> %
from TensorProductCategory(R, M1, M2)
- zero?: % -> Boolean
from AbelianMonoid
Algebra % if M1 has CommutativeRing and M2 has CommutativeRing and M1 has NonAssociativeAlgebra R and M2 has NonAssociativeAlgebra R
Algebra R if M1 has Algebra R and M2 has Algebra R
BiModule(%, %) if M1 has NonAssociativeAlgebra R and M2 has CommutativeRing and M1 has CommutativeRing and M2 has NonAssociativeAlgebra R or M1 has Algebra R and M2 has Algebra R
BiModule(R, R)
CommutativeRing if M1 has CommutativeRing and M2 has CommutativeRing and M1 has NonAssociativeAlgebra R and M2 has NonAssociativeAlgebra R
CommutativeStar if M1 has NonAssociativeAlgebra R and M2 has CommutativeRing and M1 has CommutativeRing and M2 has NonAssociativeAlgebra R or M1 has CommutativeStar and M1 has NonAssociativeAlgebra R and M2 has NonAssociativeAlgebra R and M2 has CommutativeStar
Comparable if Product(B1, B2) has Comparable and R has Comparable
FreeModuleCategory(R, Product(B1, B2))
IndexedDirectProductCategory(R, Product(B1, B2))
IndexedProductCategory(R, Product(B1, B2))
LeftModule % if M1 has NonAssociativeAlgebra R and M2 has CommutativeRing and M1 has CommutativeRing and M2 has NonAssociativeAlgebra R or M1 has Algebra R and M2 has Algebra R
Magma if M1 has Algebra R and M2 has Algebra R or M1 has NonAssociativeAlgebra R and M2 has NonAssociativeAlgebra R
MagmaWithUnit if M1 has NonAssociativeAlgebra R and M2 has CommutativeRing and M1 has CommutativeRing and M2 has NonAssociativeAlgebra R or M1 has Algebra R and M2 has Algebra R
Module % if M1 has CommutativeRing and M2 has CommutativeRing and M1 has NonAssociativeAlgebra R and M2 has NonAssociativeAlgebra R
Module R
Monoid if M1 has NonAssociativeAlgebra R and M2 has CommutativeRing and M1 has CommutativeRing and M2 has NonAssociativeAlgebra R or M1 has Algebra R and M2 has Algebra R
NonAssociativeAlgebra % if M1 has CommutativeRing and M2 has CommutativeRing and M1 has NonAssociativeAlgebra R and M2 has NonAssociativeAlgebra R
NonAssociativeAlgebra R if M1 has Algebra R and M2 has Algebra R or M1 has NonAssociativeAlgebra R and M2 has NonAssociativeAlgebra R
NonAssociativeRing if M1 has NonAssociativeAlgebra R and M2 has CommutativeRing and M1 has CommutativeRing and M2 has NonAssociativeAlgebra R or M1 has Algebra R and M2 has Algebra R
NonAssociativeRng if M1 has Algebra R and M2 has Algebra R or M1 has NonAssociativeAlgebra R and M2 has NonAssociativeAlgebra R
NonAssociativeSemiRing if M1 has NonAssociativeAlgebra R and M2 has CommutativeRing and M1 has CommutativeRing and M2 has NonAssociativeAlgebra R or M1 has Algebra R and M2 has Algebra R
NonAssociativeSemiRng if M1 has Algebra R and M2 has Algebra R or M1 has NonAssociativeAlgebra R and M2 has NonAssociativeAlgebra R
RightModule % if M1 has NonAssociativeAlgebra R and M2 has CommutativeRing and M1 has CommutativeRing and M2 has NonAssociativeAlgebra R or M1 has Algebra R and M2 has Algebra R
Ring if M1 has NonAssociativeAlgebra R and M2 has CommutativeRing and M1 has CommutativeRing and M2 has NonAssociativeAlgebra R or M1 has Algebra R and M2 has Algebra R
Rng if M1 has NonAssociativeAlgebra R and M2 has CommutativeRing and M1 has CommutativeRing and M2 has NonAssociativeAlgebra R or M1 has Algebra R and M2 has Algebra R
SemiGroup if M1 has NonAssociativeAlgebra R and M2 has CommutativeRing and M1 has CommutativeRing and M2 has NonAssociativeAlgebra R or M1 has Algebra R and M2 has Algebra R
SemiRing if M1 has NonAssociativeAlgebra R and M2 has CommutativeRing and M1 has CommutativeRing and M2 has NonAssociativeAlgebra R or M1 has Algebra R and M2 has Algebra R
SemiRng if M1 has NonAssociativeAlgebra R and M2 has CommutativeRing and M1 has CommutativeRing and M2 has NonAssociativeAlgebra R or M1 has Algebra R and M2 has Algebra R
TensorProductCategory(R, M1, M2)
TwoSidedRecip if M1 has NonAssociativeAlgebra R and M2 has CommutativeRing and M1 has CommutativeRing and M2 has NonAssociativeAlgebra R or M1 has CommutativeStar and M1 has NonAssociativeAlgebra R and M2 has NonAssociativeAlgebra R and M2 has CommutativeStar
unitsKnown if M1 has NonAssociativeAlgebra R and M2 has CommutativeRing and M1 has CommutativeRing and M2 has NonAssociativeAlgebra R or M1 has Algebra R and M2 has Algebra R