SimpleCell(TheField, ThePols)ΒΆ

cyldec.spad line 62 [edit on github]


allSimpleCells: (List ThePols, Symbol) -> List %

allSimpleCells(lp, sym) returns decomposition into cells such that each p in lp has constant sign on each member of decomposition

allSimpleCells: (ThePols, Symbol) -> List %

allSimpleCells(p, sym) is allSimpleCells([p], sym)

coerce: % -> OutputForm

from CoercibleTo OutputForm

hasDimension?: % -> Boolean

hasDimension?(c) returns true if c is of positive dimension (that is one-dimensional), otherwise hasDimension?(c) returns false

samplePoint: % -> TheField

samplePoint(c) returns the sample point of c

variableOf: % -> Symbol

variableOf(c) returns variable of c

CoercibleTo OutputForm